The Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board (ATFAB) adopted the amended by-laws during the 2017/2018 Academic Year and SFRB approved them on December 4th, 2017. These were uploaded on December 13th, 2017. These bylaws were revised and updated on October 14, 2024. 

Article I: Name and Affiliation

The name of this organization shall be the Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board (ATFAB).

Article II: Mission

The mission of the Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board shall be to provide guidance and advice concerning the University Transfort Contract and transportation needs to the President of ASCSU and the Director of Active Transportation and Fleet Services; to review all project proposals for allocations of alternative transportation fees; and to ensure that all allocations of such fees will be used to provide new facilities, improve current facilities, and implement programmatic infrastructure that directly benefits the students of Colorado State University. Through reviewing projects and allocating funds, ATFAB aims to promote and improve transportation safety, sustainability, and equity at Colorado State University.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Voting members shall consist of student members of undergraduate college councils, a student member from the Undeclared Leadership Council, a student member from the Graduate School Council, and two student-at-large members. Associate members shall not have voting rights unless the primary representative from their area of affiliation is not present to vote.

Section 2. Each college council shall appoint two student members (one primary representative and one alternate in the case of the primary’s absence) from their respective college prior to the last meeting of the spring semester. New members shall be encouraged to work with outgoing members of the Board to aide in the transition process. This will include attending their respective college council meeting at least once prior to their departure in order to find their replacement. If a replacement is not found, notifying the dean of the college that a representative should be appointed.  In the absence of an appointment from a college’s College Council by the fourth week of the fall semester, the college’s representative shall be appointed by the dean of the college.  Student-at-large members shall be appointed by the newly elected ASCSU President prior to the last meeting of the spring semester. The Graduate School Council shall appoint the student member from the Graduate School. In the absence of an appointment from the Graduate School Council by the fourth week of the fall semester, the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies shall appoint a representative from the Graduate School. The Undeclared Leadership Council shall appoint the student member from the Undeclared Leadership Council. In the absence of an appointment from the Undeclared Leadership Council by the fourth week of the fall semester, the Collaborative for Student Achievement shall appoint a representative from the Undeclared Leadership Council.

Section 3. The Director of Active Transportation and Fleet Services or their designee shall serve as an advisor to the Board. The CSU Transportation Director of Finance and Capital Management and Administration or their designee shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Board, to ensure that parking and transportation needs are incorporated appropriately into projects. Additional ex-officio members may be appointed to a one-year term at the purview of the Chairperson.

Section 4. Members must not miss more than two (2) unexcused meetings per semester. Members may be excused from attending meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson. Members missing more than two (2) unexcused meetings will be removed from the Board effective immediately, with their Associate member becoming the new main representative from that College.

Section 5. A member may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Board. All voting members must be notified at least one week prior to a vote for removal. In the event of a removal, the appropriate appointing body will be asked to provide a new member.

Article IV: Officers and Representatives

Section 1. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the ASCSU President-elect for the following year and will be ratified by the Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board with a majority rule vote. The outgoing Chairperson shall preside over the appointment of the new Chairperson and shall relinquish the Chair at the conclusion of the appointment proceedings. The Chairperson shall work with the Advisor(s) to schedule and preside over all meetings of the Board; prepare agenda; maintain correspondence of the Board; maintain documentation and minutes of the activities of the Board; and serve as a representative to the ASCSU Student Fee Review Board (the SFRB). The Chairperson should be a returning member of the Board, if possible.

Section 2. A Vice Chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present no later than the end of the third meeting of the Board. The Vice Chairperson shall preside over meetings in the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.

Section 3. The Advisor(s) shall be responsible for maintaining records of the Board’s activities and serve as a representative to the ASCSU Student Fee Review Board. The Advisor(s) shall also serve as the fiscal manager for the Alternative Transportation Fee.

Section 4. The Chairperson or Vice Chairperson may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Board. All voting members shall be notified at least one week prior to a vote for removal. In the event of removal of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson. In the event of the removal of the Vice Chairperson, a new Vice Chairperson shall be elected by the Board.

Section 5. A Secretary shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present no later than the end of the third meeting of the Board. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording meeting minutes during all meetings and shall send records to the Chairperson and Advisor(s) no later than two days after the recorded meetings. In case of the Secretary’s absence, the Board shall nominate by majority vote of present members a Temporary Secretary for that single meeting.

Section 6: A Financial Officer shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present no later than the end of the third meeting of the Board. The Financial Officer shall be responsible for coordinating with the Director of Finance and Capital Management and Administration of Parking and Transportation Services to account for student fees received and spent, and then report this to the board twice a semester. Additionally, the Financial Officer will work to develop and manage the ATFAB budget. The Financial Officer should meet with the Director of Finance and Capital Management and Admin for PTS at least three times a semester. The Chair may ask additional responsibilities of the Financial Officer related to finance as needed and within reason.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1. The Board shall meet once per month during the academic semester or at the discretion of the Chairperson. All voting members shall be notified of meeting time, date and location at least one week prior to each meeting.

Section 2. All ATFAB meetings shall be open to the public. Interested parties are welcome to attend. The Board may, by a two-thirds majority vote, elect to go into executive session where non-board members shall excuse themselves from attendance. Project voting shall be conducted in executive sessions.

Section 3. All official actions of the Board shall be open for public inspection. The Advisor(s) shall be responsible for assuring that copies of the minutes and other material presented to the members at the meetings are available to members and other parties requesting these materials.

Section 4. Ex-officio members shall be non-voting members, and serve in a support capacity, including advising, administrative support, and other activities as directed by the Chairperson. Ex-officio members may be asked to remove themselves from portions of meetings, at the discretion of the Chairperson.

Section 5. Quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting members.

Section 6. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 12th Edition shall govern the Board in all cases where they are applicable and obtainable.

Article VI: Responsibilities

Section 1. The Board shall be responsible for reviewing the conceptual designs and budgets for all areas funded by the Alternative Transportation Fee. To ensure that all projects conform to university policies and procedures and are integrated with the University’s Master Plan, all projects considered by the Board shall include a description of the scope of work and a project budget opinion or cost quote developed, reviewed and approved by the Director of Active Transportation and Fleet Services. The Advisor(s) shall ensure that this procedure is followed and shall work with the Chairperson to schedule and coordinate project proposal presentations to the Board. Such presentations shall include 1) project budgets, 2) a discussion of the degree to which the proposed project is in accordance with the University Master Plan, and 3) an analysis of how the proposed project aligns with the ATFAB Funding Rules presented in Section VII of these Bylaws. No project shall be recommended by the Board to the SFRB for funding unless they have made a presentation/request to the Board. Projects not recommended for funding by the Board by the last meeting of the Board in an academic year shall be removed from further consideration by the Board. To be eligible for reconsideration, such projects must reapply to the Board in a subsequent academic year.

Section 2. All funded projects under the purview of the Board shall annually make a presentation to the Board until completion. Such presentations shall include summaries of: 1) the project’s scope of work and budget, 2) expenditures to date including expenditures on bonded indebtedness presented as a separate line item, 3) expenditures planned for the current fiscal year, 4) changes that materially and substantially affect the original design and/or proposed budget, and 5) the project timeline and anticipated completion date. Projects shall remain under the purview of the Board until after they are completed and a final presentation has been made to the Board.

Section 3. Project proposals must be received on a schedule to be determined by the Chairperson. The Advisor(s) shall work with the Chairperson to determine and present to the Board feasible scenarios for Alternative Transportation Fee funding. The Chairperson, in consultation with the Advisor, may determine a procedure for receiving project proposals, pre-screening the project proposals, and, for project proposal presentations to the Board.

Section 4. The Board shall approve project proposals and through the legitimacy process make recommendations of projects to be funded, including the amount of funding, to the SFRB based on the projected availability of funds. Such recommendations may be made in both the Fall and Spring semesters. However, to ensure that all projects considered by the Board are considered in a fair and unbiased fashion, approval for large projects, or numerous small projects, should generally be withheld until all project proposals to be considered by the Board have been received and considered by the Board.

Section 5. The ATFAB Chairperson and Advisor, with information from the Director of Finance and Capital Management shall report annually to the SFRB the indebtedness of the Alternative Transportation Fee.

Section 6. The current ASCSU President will sign the TransFort Contract. ATFAB will manage the contract between the students, City of Fort Collins, and TransFort and make a recommendation to the ASCSU President to approve and sign the TransFort Contract. To ensure consistency and communication between the ATFAB Chairperson and the ASCSU President, it is recommended that the ASCSU President and the ATFAB Chairperson or Vice Chair meet once a month.

Article VII: Funding Rules

Section 1. The following criteria shall be evaluated by the Board in consideration of the legitimacy of each project proposals. (in no specific order):

  • Degree to which the proposed project directly benefits CSU students and enhances transportation safety and promotes equity.
  • Project design quality and efficiency. Anticipated project lifecycle, construction time, and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Environmental benefit of proposed project.
  • Project aesthetics and the degree to which the architecture complements and/or supplements the locale of the project. For programmatic projects: the degree to which it complements the CSU student body culture and needs.
  • Justification and clarity of project proposal and presentation.
  • The projected availability of funds.

Article VIII: Voting

Section 1. All members specified in Article III section 1 shall have one vote. Quorum must be present before a vote can be taken. Votes should be based on funding rules articulated in Article VII. A majority (more than half) of the present voting members must vote in the affirmative for an item to pass, else it fails.

Section 2. Each member of the board shall individually score every project proposal considered by the board at the meeting at which the project is presented based on the published scoring criteria. Voting to rank and fund projects will occur prior to the end spring semester and in time to allow project recommendations to be made to the SFRB for that semester. A vote shall be taken to rank every presented project based on the aggregated individual scores. A second vote shall be taken to approve the allocation of received funds to projects. It is strongly advised that projects be funded in the order they are ranked. Partially funding a project to fund a lower ranked project is discouraged as cost is a part of the scoring criteria. The board may consider funding projects out of rank order only if the higher ranked project has stated a willingness to accept partial funding and legitimate reasoning can be provided for the lower ranked project to receive out-of-order funding. Each member shall retain the right to vote “no” on any and all scenarios or to abstain from the vote. The Board’s recommendations shall be presented to the SFRB for approval prior to the final fund allocation.

Section 3. The Chairperson shall poll all members who vote “no” or “yes” on the project proposal, legitimacy, and funding approvals to clarify reasons for their votes. The reasons for voting as such on each project proposal shall be recorded with name and affiliation unless anonymity is requested. This information shall be collected to determine whether members base their votes on accurate information. The reasons for the denial of legitimacy for final funding shall be communicated to the project proposers by referring them to the minutes of the Board meeting.

Section 4. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson should break the tie with a vote.

Article IX: Amendment Procedure

Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Board. All amendments to the Bylaws must be sent out at the latest a week before they shall be voted upon.

Section 2. The Board shall conduct a general review of these Bylaws every year.